Ideas on How to Teach This Topic: Teaching Overview: Taxes are used by the government mainly to raise money to pay for things like roads, lighting, trash collection, pay government employees such as  police, fire, armed forces, post office, and fund welfare and other social programs. Introduce the glossary of terms that will be used Read More…

Ideas on How to Teach This Topic: Credit scores are an integral and essential part of personal finance. It is a simple topic but often thought to be over complicated. The simplified ideas is that a credit score is a way for financial institutions to quickly work out who is responsible with their money and Read More…

Personal finance lab lessons offer high school students financial knowledge and experience. The fields they cover are economics, business, personal finance, and investment. Students learn grade-level appropriate contents rich in content. Also, students use calculators and questions to reinforce the concepts mastered. What Personal Finance Lab Lesson Cover? In the first week, students learn a Read More…